Wednesday 25 May 2016

When bush comes to shrub

I give thanks for the pretty climbing, creeping, spreading things that flower this time of year - clematis and wisteria, laburnum, rhododendron and the rest.

I give thanks for the smell of newly cut grass still green and damp, and the whispery roar of the surf breaking over the shoals when the tide is low and the wind is strong.

I give thanks for making it outdoors and for managing to stay reasonably warm in this unseasonably freezing weather. I give thanks for making it home and making tea before utter incapability set in. I give thanks for a most deliciously flavoured strawberry and lemon puff from the Greek deli. As nice a pie as I have ever eaten!

I give thanks one of the benefits of a life lived largely on the edge of other people's is that any conflict is largely internal - only one person has to feel it at once and never on the edge of the bed... I give thanks for the three people who took a few minutes to wave from the edge of their lives in the last twenty four hours via text, or message or email...always appreciated! One of them actually on the ocean at the is most impressed!

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