Wednesday 12 October 2016

Infamous five

I find talking about medical matters so tedious and pointless, unless it's to someone who might be able to put them right, so I apologise in advance to any readers of a similar frame of mind that they feature so much recently.

I give thanks for getting to talk to some of the right people today anyway, from lovely Mary the receptionist at the surgery who knows when I say I need help I really do... the friendly efficient GP who called me back straight away and organised nurses to come and sort me out...and the brilliant nurses who came so quickly, and even blagged their way in to the building by ringing a random bell so I didn't have to go downstairs. I'll spare you the full details of what they did but it included taking a photo to add to my notes so the GP could discuss with the consultant without any unnecessary heaving my painful self about. Utterly brilliant service from the health service.

I give thanks for also getting my blood pressure low enough to take my anaemia medication which, considering I'd been taken off blood pressure pills in hospital to rest my kidney and have been in so much stress, distress and discomfort since, is utterly brilliant service from my body I think! 

I give thanks for the early evening view from my seat on the sofa which helps a lot I'm sure. It's the pay off for those pesky five flights that people often fail to factor in when offering help by bringing things, or suggesting on line deliveries, visits and so forth. I give thanks for getting washed and dressed today to enjoy it all the better, and also for the clothes rack in the way of the window as it's there because I got a small load of washing in and out of the machine as well. 

I give thanks for finding half a Tesco apple strudel in the freezer when I thought I'd eaten it all up. You get a lot of apple strudel for a pound from Tesco, and I'm looking forward to being able to let a driver in again! I give thanks for a leeky potato pie next to it for for the main course too, hand made by Mr Bromley last weekend with home grown veg. I give thanks I love my food! 

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