Friday 28 October 2016

Turning over an old leaf

The good thing about the tree that grew too tall too near my window is that it was an excellent source of close up leaf pics...but it's OK to think about what's good about what's gone as long as you keep moving on...and appreciating what you've got. As Julie and I were musing on yesterday all you've really got is yourself, and our selves are merely a bundle of perceptions and interpretations when all is said and done, or left unsaid and undone...but I give thanks I also have a camera with a bit of a zoom, some more trees not far away...and for the first time in quite a while the inclination to open a window and poke the former at the latter!

I give thanks for Jan and Colin reminding me of good things gone and done...and not to stop believing there are more on the way however unlikely it sometimes seems. One of them was gardening in case you're wondering... admit it, you know you were...

I give thanks for a page turner of a 1p Amazon novel. A big chunk of it's set in a medical students' dissection room which is fascinating and also funny and makes me want to ask doctors about mnemonics from their training days if any of them could remember.

I give thanks for largely sticking to my Plan A and having a quiet day, despite the neighbours' commitment to a noisy one. For at one point playing a few punk classics as loud as the volume on my tablet would go. Stereo's louder obviously but I don't have one by the bed. It was good to rhythmically twiddle my toes while reminding the locals beneath the crippled hippy exterior there lurks a feisty rebel soul. I give thanks for less pain for longer periods of time again today. Preference is the scourge of equanimity, but I confess I still prefer not to hurt so much as I have been doing recently.

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