Sunday 23 October 2016

Subjects of desire

I give thanks for contentedly giving in to my most constant cravings over the last couple of days - for frequent meals and naps. It feels very healthy to be so hungry, and very healing to catch up on some long overdue sleep. I give thanks though the pain is still evil at times, at times when it is easier I can hobble about making hasty tasty food and clearing up after a fashion (though not necessarily straight after the eating!)

I give thanks for managing to lower my domestic standards to within the range and duration of movement I can achieve...which after the cooking and washing up and doing minimal laundry isn't a lot at all. I give thanks for a brisk breeze blowing through a barely open window and drying some clean clothes on the rack.

I give being relaxed enough to get into reading a novel which hasn't happened for a while, and for having some put by to ready to read. I give thanks for a random convoluted sequence of clicks bringing me to a link to these great little explorations of stuff. No, I'm not being vague...they are about stuff!

I really like listening to the radio but like the TV I don't like a lot of what they put on, so I give thanks for thinking I should get into internet catch up for that as well, though whether I will of course is entirely a different matter... In the meantime, further signs of my recovery include a little light internet shopping. After a bit of pre-hospital rummaging I imagined I'd dug out enough cosy layers to see me through recuperation and the autumning of the days, but just in case I can't get to the place at the back of the cupboard under the stairs where the warmest garments are - or those places called shops -  before temperatures plummet no harm in picking up a few eBay bargains is there?

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