Friday 20 October 2017

2 down

Ha ha! I give thanks when I dropped my toast in the bath last night as I was running it, it was before I put the bath enhancers in. Plain hot water on hot buttered toast is fine if you eat it quickly!

For remaining fairly equanimous during an evening of fairly average neighbourhood adversity... and later, when I felt less so and couldn't sleep for all the thoughts regarding these difficulties and the round and round and getting nowhere attempts at a solution, for writing them some of them down in an email and sending them to someone who gave me her card once in case I needed any help. Forcing freeholders to maintain their properties is not really in a kidney patients' advocacy officer's remit, but I gave thanks for letting myself let go of downplaying the situation for once, which I try to do as much as possible for my own benefit as much as anyone else's, so as to avoid dwelling on the dwelling. And I give thanks she wrote back first thing this morning with offers of whatever assistance she could give, which was a good deal better than nothing...or just saying 'Poor you!' I guess, although she's not personally affected by the illness, she has a better idea than most of how hard it can be to summon up the extra physical and emotional energy for battling with extra obstructions when your body keeps begging you just to do nothing.

I give thanks I'd promised my body I'd do the best to do that today...but also for catching the weather report for tomorrow suggesting structural damage might ensue if I ventured forth then instead, so that I finally got out to the PO before nightfall, rainfall etc. I give thanks for great new books to read from Ann and another vintage clothing bargain, this time a little embroidered cord pinafore dress for when I need to have my arms more accessible than they usually are in winter.

I give thanks though beset by as many challenges of the technical age as any who try to engage with it, I am (unlike a surprising number of ladies of a certain age) usually of the opinion I will find a way to do whatever it is I'm trying to do (albeit, no doubt, cack-handedly) and for finally getting a printable PDF of a crossword sorted and a Word document poster converted into a photo to upload to Facebook for the library and its friends.

I give thanks for a burst of live drumming when I had the windows open...and for remembering the buskers in the city the other day. A kind of mariachi tijuana band playing up beat jazz, a solo slow rock guitarist with close female attendant/minder/fan and that older lady who plays the sexiest sax who I'm sure I've mentioned before.

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