Saturday 9 June 2012

Bed best

My first thanks of the day is, of course, for all your encouraging comments on here, Facebook, or by email. Some of them were especially thoughtful and insightful. Lots of people read my blog and didn't say anything at all and they might have been wishing I'd shut up of course but they can vote with their fingers, I don't care, as long as I've a dozen or so regular or occasional contented readers then it makes sense to carry on. I choose my words for my own pleasure and am always slightly surprised when other people enjoy them too. It's like when I do something creative with fabric or my flat and others say it's looking good and I realise it's not just me who thinks so. There are so many sorts of taste and opinion around it's amazing isn't it when they are shared? Let's all say a thank you that this is not always the case though or we'd all be wearing the same clothes, reading the same books and listening to the same music and creativity would be redundant!

I thought the iron treatment might make me feel stronger straight away but the renal anaemia nurse said not for a couple of months, if at all, and it was all to do with maintaining background levels because (insert medical information re CKD) I decided to adopt a placebo position and kid myself I felt a bit better because Laura was coming to help with some decorating chores and I had help with that, and also I needed to try to see some planes. Teignmouth isn't the best place to see Dawlish Air Show. You might think Dawlish is but you'd be wrong, it's the headland in between which there was no way I could placebo myself up this year (and would probably be a mudslide down) but with a great deal of manoeuvring I managed to get somewhere aircraft could be seen about the size of seagulls and the Red Arrows flew over several times banking back for the main display. Afterwards I was fit for nothing but a bar of Green & Black's in one hand and a remote in the other for several hours but I'm very grateful for the exhilaration of sea air and roaring jets and the warm buzzy feeling of shared experience with strangers. Speaking as a social anthropologist (old in joke) I would call this Durkheimian 'collective effervescence'...

Today, I gave thanks for the long triangle of bright blue sky between my imperfectly drawn bedroom curtains but after going outdoors two days in a row I feel totally trampled. I give thanks for my usual weekend non social life that should allow some serious recuperation. I'm grateful there's not much scheduled on TV I want to watch so I can catch up with things recorded and maybe some DVDs. Lots of snoozing planned if I ever get out of bed, maybe some nibbling if I can find my appetite!

To anyone who ever tries to comment on my blog and fails....see the comments on Juanita's smile...

Enjoy your days folks...

Oh yes, PS. I'm extra grateful a few people got the hippy trees. I looked out of the window and could practically hear Jethro Tull...

1 comment:

  1. You help me through each day with your posts.

    I have been paying special attention to blue skies myself.

    Thank you for sharing your posts with me.


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