Friday 29 June 2012

Whether the weather

What's with all this weather moaning we British love to do? Maybe it's just people I have in my friends list but the majority of posts I see on Facebook are about alcohol and weather...oh and 'inspirational quotes' about which I could probably summon a grumble or two! 'Changeable' it may be, but of the time in the UK climate never gets beyond the state of inconvenient... Campsites may be washed away but not whole villages. Garden parties and barbeques might ruined but not all the crops ie the food for a region. Obviously I have a different perspective as the sun shone brilliantly all the while I was outdoors yesterday...and I was grateful for that...and then it clouded over when I went indoors and that was splendid too! OK, I admit it, as a weather god I find it hard to empathise with you puny humans, but I do sometimes get a bit peeved you don't all appreciate all that my colleagues do for your entertainment...Hmmm...note to self: I must not be negative about other people's lack of positivity PLUS it does give us something to overcome our natural reserve and talk to strangers about. Nonetheless I bid you remember...

this is amusing

but this is devastating

Anyway, I give thanks that my own personal micro climate extended to encompass some rather random people on the beach as the tide retreated... including a young woman taking her lilac beehive hairdo for a stroll and a leathery, long bearded middle aged male in floral pastel board shorts.

I give thanks for two new second hand books from Amazon about knitting and crocheting trims...brain cells and fingers twitching...

For great acupuncture and chat with Rachel who had some news to impart to some of her clients and was finding the chosen few had already read her mind...

For all the lovely fresh fruit available in my local greengrocers and the lovely lady who sells it

For scenic shots of sunset over London as Wimbledon ran late into the day yesterday...oh and some good tennis too!

1 comment:

  1. Last night while I was lying on the bed to cool off after having bath, I watched the sky get darker and darker, and as soon as I heard the first rumble of thunder I shot up like a bolt of lightning myself, only to be very disapointed that the sky didn't light up!! But the torrential rain ( hope you noticed my choice of 50 there ) that followed was quite breathtaking.

    Yes, I do my fair share of moaning, but like to think it's only a little bit :)


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