Sunday 3 June 2012

Happy feet

Morning all! Or it was at the start of writing anyway!

I would like to express gratitude for the hippies at the bottom of my garden. Once I had fairies in the house...but that's another tale entirely! Anyway the alternatively minded young folks downstairs were outside with a giant bubble wand, sending big wobbly rainbow spheres across the lawns. Very pretty and entertaining. I wondered about trying to take a snap but suspect it would have looked photoshopped if it had come out well enough to add on here.

I give thanks too for the sound of the heavy rain landing on all the lush greenery afterwards...

And for the Brittany Ferries ad photos showing the 'mini cruise' ship so close to the city and beaches of Santander. It looks photo shopped too but though obviously they've gone for the most dramatic angle I can assure you, if you've not been, that the city buildings really do come right down to the waterfront and the beaches really do have sand and the ferry really does glide into port in between. It's amazing...especially if you've got a bit of a thing about big water vehicles...especially close to me. No, I can't be the only one... can I?

I give thanks for finally finding a zipper foot after searching for several days. It's not the one I thought I lost. I can't even find a picture of that on the internet. Though I did find a picture of another one I had. This one clearly came with the machine as it was in the accessory box and the manual but I've never used it because I used one of the other ones. And no, if you don't know, it's not another surgical appliance!

I give thanks for the big bowl of delicious fruit salad I made that has treated me to many smaller bowls over the last couple of days. I thought I was having a visitor of Friday but I didn't so all more for me!

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