Tuesday 26 June 2012

How many shades of grey?

You can have black out and white out...can you have grey out?
This is what the sky and sea looked like yesterday. Actually it was quite clement and pleasant and dazed strangers accosted each other to share astonished glee!

This one shows the kinds of tankers and motorboats I was talking about yesterday. Of course the perspective completely negates the effect I had when seeing both from the same distance away...

This morning I had a long chat with a very pleasant lady from Love Productions who (sadly? happily?) informed me I was not what she was looking for. No, I'm not trying to kick start a new career in alternative porn. She's trying to put together a documentary about people who are terminally ill, and people who aren't any more (for whatever reason) are excluded. Oh how bothersome...I thought fame was at my fingertips. I'll just have to use them to bang out a best seller afterall. It was grateful for the opportunity to hold forth on a subject dear to my heart nonetheless and if anyone knows anyone they think might be willing to take part then let me know and I'll send you more info. Whilst on the subject...I would like to send good wishes to Estelle who was putting together a book, wherever and however she may be. This cancer business can play havoc with one's creative intentions...

I give thanks too for another chat with the stoma team who have given me more suggestions and an appointment next week. I get the impression they are getting a little exasperated with my wilful refusal to make bags stick every time but, in all fairness to all products and participants, an intermittent problem is often the hardest both to cope with and resolve. I give thanks for their perseverance and that, although embarrassing and inconvenient, the situation is not made worse by currently trying to hold down a job or tend an infant child...or (I've just thought of this) trying to potty train one ha ha!

I'm grateful for pancakes with lemon and sugar, for my washing machine and laptop. For clean clothes. For having a change of hear regarding the applique design. I'm cautiously optimistic plan B will be easier to execute. For Wimbledon on TV...and to my mother, who failed to impart so many useful life skills, but who showed me you could enjoy tennis with no skills in that department either.

1 comment:

  1. Wonderfully written, as always........have missed the last couple ...sos, hope that you are keeping well....hope to catch up soon!


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