Saturday 30 June 2012


I'm grateful today for bright and breezy weather. A good day for all kinds of activities I'm sure. If I had a choice I'd like to be up on a hill with a wide view of countryside watching the cloud shadows chasing across the fields.

The sea was dark blue and purple earlier on with lots of tiny white polka dot flecks but it's getting paler now. I give thanks for all the different sorts of sea I see.

The breeze blew waves of drum sound to and fro earlier...and also some bluesy harmonica up from the town (as far as I could tell). I thought it might be the folk festival but the internet says that finished last week...maybe one of the little pub festivals we have here. Whatever it was sounded good and I'm grateful, but kitten weak today so must merely remember and dream...

Never mind, I'm grateful for Wimbledon to keep me company and the sofa to give me a hug. And I give thanks I've done some cooking for one, which is often more taxing than cooking for two, as some of you may know!

I'm grateful to Laura and Jenny for help with the chores...They don't do it out of the goodness of their hearts obviously but they are good hearted enough to include a little pastoral care in their duties...

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