Sunday 1 July 2012

Drop out

Well you know I was feeling a bit sorry for myself yesterday afternoon. I wanted to go out somewhere but lacked energy or an amenable chauffeur. But then I finished a late lunch and made a cuppa, and thought 'I'll just get comfy on these cushions and watch some tennis...' and the next thing I knew it was an hour later. Even though I got up and made fresh tea to replace the cold one I couldn't really wake up and get going again and stayed dozy the remainder of the day. So I'm grateful I couldn't go out as I clearly needed some rest...

I enjoyed some more snatches of air borne live music and gave thanks for all the good gigs I've attended over the years and the regular entertainment there is here... There was a punky set in the early evening when we had a short sharp shower, and a glowing rainbow actually got me upright to take a snap as although I could see it from the sofa my camera couldn't!

I yawned my way through more matches and a little half hearted craft work giving thanks that there was nothing else I needed to do, not even be company, though I did feel having some might have done me good it was a selfish wish in the state I was in. I gave thanks for the Centre Court roof and the excellent timing of the players in bringing the evening match to a close...and that my afternoon nap meant I could stay with it til the end!

This morning I give thanks for church bells. I know the sound annoys some and the connotations do others but I enjoy it...both the peals or carillons or whatever they are called and a simple 'calling bell' of one bell rhythmically sounded. I like the sound of a muezzin's call too but there's not much call for that round here... Much harm to both self and others is done in the name of organised religion but the principles of all tend to be fine and I give thanks for the solace and renewal communal worship can give in individual lives. I also give thanks for the sound of a young family outside in the gardens with the child talking to 'mummy' and 'daddy'. Much harm is done in families too and I'm always grateful when I remember they can be warm and safe and whole.

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