Saturday 23 June 2012

In the pink

Well, there's something to be grateful for in hardly eating anything yesterday because when I went into the kitchen this morning there was no washing up!! I'm still not quite hungry yet but I'm optimistic I might have a spot of late lunch when I work out what it might be...

I'm grateful to Laura for the trip to the big shops. Big is a relative word here but they seemed enormous to walk round to me...and I know walking round them with me must be a terrible trial as I'm slow and can't carry much, keep wanting the loo and saying the wrong sort of things. I do try to act 'normal' but the real me keeps poking through and as I don't mind the real me nearly as much as everyone else I admit I probably don't try as hard as I could... I'm grateful for anyone who can manage a bit of tolerance...

I'm very grateful we got a can of Feather Down as it's being discontinued in those stores...and we haven't finished using it in the bedroom yet. I was astonished by the amount of food I bought in Lidl. I though I would be safe from rampant shopping considering I still didn't feel like eating, but it's mostly store cupboard things that will keep so I give thanks for the opportunity. I'm grateful I had a couple more oatcakes and a piece of rye bread with avocado during the evening so some nourishment went in before the big sleep set in. Up until the last few years I was always active and used to lecture those who weren't that they would feel so much more energetic and brighter in spirits if they were too. Nowadays in the short term any kind of exercise beyond the most basic can result in breathlessness and pounding heart, and in the longer for needing to sleep for hours and various pains and problems which can actually make me more miserable than when I started. After four trips into the outside world this week I've needed almost twenty four hours to recover! Never mind...I give thanks for comfyness and quiet to do it in, a warm bath so soothe and a book to cheer. It is an effort of will sometimes to remember I'm lucky that I was fit and well for so much of my life...and I'm grateful when I achieve it.

I'm grateful for the sight of racing drivers being strapped into their cars. It always looks to me as if the person doing it would ruffle their hair and chuck them under their chins given half a chance and no helmets. For the mystery of a cerise pink bra on the table where the post ends up. Oh, and I'm grateful to Lynn for reminding me I can still try to be useful sometimes.

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