Tuesday 5 June 2012

Curling up

Well, I feel as if I ought to apologise for talking about tennis again but it really is something I am grateful for having the opportunity to watch. TV can be a comfort or company when you're curled up on the sofa but some of the French Open play has actually been exhilarating this year. Another thing I like about watching sport is you know lots of other people are doing the same thing at the same time, so in some small way you feel part of something...especially nice if you usually feel like a spare part! I know some people had similar pleasure watching the Jubilee but I never got round to that...

I give particular thanks for Andy Murray's match against Richard Gasquet yesterday. When Murray is good he is very very good (or he wouldn't be so highly ranked despite never winning a grand slam) but it can also be true that when he's bad he's horrid, and even though for the first set and a half he didn't play particularly well, and was losing quite convincingly, but he didn't sulk or stamp or swear...he just got better until he was absolutely brilliant! He's got shorter hair this year. I wonder if people used to tease him with the curl in the forehead rhyme too...

I'm extremely grateful for a glimpse of a sliver of red moon last night rising between the clouds...at least I think that's what it was. If not I give thanks for sight of an unidentified something else! I'm grateful I managed to stay awake long enough and late enough to creep down the hill (that's the speed I walk at now!) to see the sea and fireworks going off around the bay. You could hear the sounds of others reverberating around the hills. Quite a few people passed me off to join in the fun but it was soothing just sitting looking down at the waves. I love the sea at night (as well!). Of course I give huge thanks for my feet and legs then carrying me back up the hill and for not too many encounters. My extremities are increasingly numb and I stagger and stumble a bit which is embarrassing enough in daylight but at 11 pm on a Bank Holiday is easily misconstrued.

Today I give thanks for a long lie in listening to the rain. For less joint pain than I might have expected (maybe the turmeric is doing it's job?) so Henry-ing up the cooking debris in the kitchen. I still can't manage a full vigorous vacuum but a gentle glide where there's no carpet pile can be done now and then and much better the place looks for it too. For mouth watering thoughts that maybe later I might make some chocolate cookies...

Thanks too for your kind words Pat... I didn't mean to imply anyone had pushed in. It's the other way round from a deli queue, I think, but there are sometimes situations when one might wish it were possible to change the places around, people you'd like to move further back.

Oh, and if anyone else has been missing it unnecessarily...it's live every day on ITV4...

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