Sunday 24 June 2012

On reflection

First thanks of the day goes to realising of course it doesn't matter that the applique pattern I was trying to make was coming out skewhiff as of course the sewing will too! No sacred geometry possible with a cheap old pair of plastic compasses. Would have been as easy to draw round a compass...was anyone else of a certain age beaten about the head with a 'rule' for not calling school tools by the correct name, I wonder?

Sorry for being a bit of a misery yesterday. Sometimes, as we all do, I get a bit frustrated with things...and sometimes some things set up a poignant longing. Laura wanted plants yesterday so we went to the garden sections of the diy stores. Like a diabetic in a candy store I was!

Today I also give thanks for...

the smell of carnations


a couple of small meals eaten

a couple of short sessions with the filler knife

for all the pictures of the Dalai Lama smiling with people around the UK. I particularly like the ones of him in Scotland wearing a tartan scarf!

and for this one of Bob as a baby taken by a chap called Norman I haven't seen for years and re formatted recently by Ivor


  1. The most adorable photo! Thanks for posting it. Thanks for your comments to me also, I agree with you! I want some Quality Street now so bad. Have a great day, Juanita x

  2. Hahaha, am catching up on my various blogs while recuperating, this was the last entry I was about to read before having another rest, so was funny timing to see that photo! Had forgotten all about it, I do like that one...


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