Tuesday, 25 February 2014

A lot on my plate

Heavens, what a beautiful day again today, like yesterday was so that it's hard to believe there was all that rain and wind in the night in between. I give thanks that there's some real spring warmth and brightness creeping into the sunlight now...

I hadn't really expected to be out after dark and experience the weather for myself because, much as I wanted to go to choir, after going to the knitting group I was so tired I was nodding into sleep over my tea like a toddler again. It's so rarely I get to share time with anyone who isn't paid to be in the same place as me and it's of inestimable value to my psychological wellbeing when I do, but going to another place to do it becomes increasingly physically demanding... But then I had an email from someone who through the choral grapevine had heard I might need a lift and, as well as the bodily assistance there's an extra mental pull to go then (kind as if someone is holding their hand out) so I abandoned my food and scurried to get myself ready instead!

I was very grateful for the sing (our director writes such beautiful music!) and the company and laughter and cake (there's some very good bakers in the group too)...and especially grateful for the lift back when the those aforementioned heavens opened! Just time for a quick supper and a hot bath before bed I thought, but I dozed off during a hot drink and had to be teleported straight under the duvet instead.

Today I've been very grateful to take it very easy. And for a phone call from the renal anemia team to say they think I might need some more intravenous iron. When it's your kidneys causing the problem no amount of spinach and feta pie will put it right, they have to top you up this way, and I give thanks that they do though I can't help wishing the units where it happens were easier to get to without a car or a fully functioning body. Nonetheless it's encouraging as the levels of this and that in my body veer more and more out of kilter that there are still some remedies to try. I also give thanks for a pretty pastel sunset and a plate of (mostly) home food that I a) managed to stay awake for and b) didn't choke over during a very funny part of Come Dine with Me!

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