Sunday, 23 February 2014

Funny business

Whoof! What happened to today? Seems like I blinked and it was over...though to be fair it was a very long blink!

This morning I was grateful that my knees weren't hurting so obviously the sensible thing was to go outside and make them! I didn't feel particularly well otherwise, in fact, as seems to be the norm these days, I felt particularly exhausted. The weather wasn't very inviting, and there wasn't anything I particularly wanted to do or see but being able to walk along without going 'ouch!' each step was too good to miss so I sorted out some recycling and went to the bins down the hill...and they weren't full to overflowing so much gratitude for that! This being a cheery chatty sort of place to live I also got to have a bit of a natter with other folks out and about for which I give thanks...and also for spotting the tiny weeny crimson buds of the Virginia creeper on a wall beside the road.

Before I left I was grateful for seeing an article about a Shop Pun of the Year competition though there weren't a lot of examples to chuckle over and it led me to search and find these sources for your delight (or otherwise!)

When I got back... I fell asleep (surprise surprise!) but you should always be grateful if you're tired and can sleep as it doesn't always work out that way. I wasn't grateful that I missed something on TV that I was sure I'd hit record for before my eyes shut...but I did catch the fireworks at the end of the Olympic closing ceremony and they are always a treat. Now I'm giving thanks that I've thought of something quick and simple and tasty for my tea because as anyone who lives alone will know, sometimes thinking what to have for your tea is even harder than making it!

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