Thursday, 20 February 2014

Rover returns

I'm grateful for the rainbows...and for the sun and rain that make them. I'm grateful for my rose...still in remarkably fine petal after six days in my possession including twelve hours in a suitcase! 

I'm grateful for making it to the great outdoors for the first time since my return and that I did actually manage to get outside the door after a short delay due, not to aches and pains, fatigue and forgetfulness, or even a threatened wardrobe malfunction, but the wood being so swollen by rain. When you're on the pavement you can give it a push with your foot but I've not enough tug power to pull it open from the inside and had to go all the way back up to find a chisel for leverage!

I'm grateful 'my' tanker is back in position decorating the sea view with its lights at night, and the play of light on its sides during the day. Oh and I give thanks for the lovely lilac sky during the dusk session of the women's freestyle ski half pipe the way the photographers and cameramen/women by the side of the ice rink seemed to have been arranged by height. Russian dolls maybe?

I'm grateful that Volunteering in Health were so appreciative of the chicks I'd brought. I wondered how many they might have and be needing and discovered they sell several hundred a season, would you believe! Thank goodness every little helps, eh? Gratitude too to Rachel for trying so hard to mend me, and for running into Christine from the choir (a lovely lady with a remarkable talent for being there in front of me when I most would like to see her!) who'd been wondering if a lift there and back might help me attend more sessions. Very thoughtful thinking outside the box as she doesn't actually have a car herself just now.

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