Sunday 28 September 2014

Every little helps

Wow, what a lovely comment from a new reader of my blog a couple of days ago! I'm so grateful when people get why I try to be publicly grateful every day... Sometimes I wish I could do more to make the world a cheerier place to be in, but better a little than none at all, or indeed the opposite!

Although I couldn't stay upright I'm grateful I've managed to stay awake today - so far... I'm grateful no one wanted me to go out and play, and that most of the neighbours have been out to play away from here or simply out to lunch :-)

Talking of which, I'm grateful for part making some nice things to eat with some help from Mr Tesco this time, though Mrs Booth had a finger in the pie, so to speak! Half of that bread I've been enjoying went in the freezer to save, but the odds and ends of the chunk that was out I made into crumbs and mixed with cheese and seeds for a topping for some assorted limp and elderly veg. I'm grateful for what a very versatile purchase that has been...

I'm grateful for a Columbo so old that William Shatner was so young I had to look him up in the cast list as I wasn't sure from the face it was actually him!

I'm grateful for finding Arts Anonymous's Facebook album of photos of the artworks that now decorate a hoarding in town here, though their normal website seems to be out of action so I can't share a normal link. I'm hopeful that I can be there soon to look and take some pictures myself, but in the meantime here's a similar idea from the track side in Windermere.

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