Saturday 5 September 2015

The comfort of blanket

Today's not been the easiest of days, not least due to trying to decide which of the available unappealing options for tomorrow I would most regret. Hmm...So what's there to be grateful for?

Well, I'm grateful for knowing neither drink nor drugs, nor ranting and wrangling, nor even kind words or hugs will sort out our hard stuff out for us. I'm grateful for knowing that it's us that makes it hard in the first place with our aims and assumptions and preferences and perceptions... And I'm grateful for earplugs to dilute the sound of other folk dealing with their own hard stuff in less accepting ways...

I'm grateful for feeling fairly well and thus able to get on with various chores, for a fascinating book about forensic psychology to give my brain a rest from working out the workings of my own brain... And the comfort of getting on with the blanket...

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