Monday, 3 April 2017

Jeanetic engineering

I give thanks for taking care of business as best I can. For not writing a snotty letter but printing out a legal reminder form instead, and managing to sneeze and wheeze in the opposite direction while I filled it in! For a similar document lined up regarding another matter if gentle but persistent pressure doesn't prevail. People often mistake my relaxed manner for an excuse to relax their own standards of behaviour, which is fine up to a point...but not when it gets to the point they are failing to be polite if they know me personally or do the job they're supposed to if they don't.

I give thanks for going the extra upward feet to find some knitted chickens for the library roosting on a high shelf here. And yes...I can see perhaps it is hard to take people who knit chickens seriously! For thinking up some cunning crossword clues to keep my brain train from derailing or running on tracks that keep hitting the same old buffers.

I give thanks for those lovely people who received my new baseball boots by mistake redressing the balance of feeling rather hard done by lately, by delivering them to me today. For going about my busyness about town without excessive limping or limpness. I have to toughen up if I'm going to try to move home but I give thanks for not making things too tough by trying to do all the fetching, delivering and carrying in one afternoon. For a cup of tea and a catch up with those nattering knitting ladies...And while I don't give thanks that Rachel can't come for the next couple of weeks so there'll be no tea cooked for me or that welcome therapy, I was grateful for not having to hurry home and scurry around afterwards getting things done in time for her arrival.

I give thanks for two surfboards parked ouside the building. They're nothing to do with me of course but there's no harm in pretending is there? For trying on some jeans I collected and finding they actually fit! Oh, and for someone I was at art school with being on a documentary about George Michael. He's worn better than I have...well, and George of course!

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