Wednesday 2 August 2017

Cause and effect

A winter's a deep and dark er...August? I give thanks I may not have a song in my heart but there's often an appropriate lyric pops up in my head... For bursting into a spirited rendition of Don't Think Twice the other morning, though not at break of dawn for which I'm sure the neighbours were very grateful!

I give thanks for a lovely little programme about cruise liners visiting Orkney. Managed not to suffer from wishing one day it could be be me (even playing the twiddly guitar music in the background.)... but made me cry at the end when they piped the ship away with little girls in costume dancing on the quay and remembering being an even smaller girl watching and wishing the same! For making some flapjacks to cheer myself up...and using less sugar to make them less irresistible. Didn't work but made me feel less guilty at being unable to resist...

For lots of up and down ladders cleaning the tops and fronts of the top cupboards.  I give thanks you probably think this action is a result of optimism that one day someone will be impressed by my sparkling, clean smelling kitchen...actually, honestly, it's more likely caused by boredom!

I give thanks my crochet is coming on nicely...though the pain in my hands is too. I give thanks, as the first photo I took came out way too bright, I've discovered the camera buttons that edit to more realistic hues. Modern technology eh?

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