I give thanks I was all primed for the phone call today about how bad my bloods were. I can sense a slight decline but on the whole I'm still functioning remarkably well for someone whose only kidney isn't much at all, and I was ready to stand my ground and refuse point blank any more tests or appointments while I attend to my rather scant, but thus all the more precious, celebratory birthday activities. So when the phone rang as Rachel was cooking my Monday night pre-acupuncture tea I wasn't quite so well prepared...
Yes, so soon... So bad, haha! Actually, no, not that drastically bad as far as the practice here and the team at the hospital are concerned, as they are aware of me and my health as a whole, but dire enough for the lab at the other hospital to just see scary numbers and set the panic chain in motion. Now I've heard your voice I'm happy said the GP, if you'd said you felt dreadful of course we'd have taken action but we know with you the figures don't necessarily translate to what they seem to. Go ahead and enjoy yourself! I've had a few dealings with her over the last ten medically traumatic years and she's one of my favourites (as you can probably tell) so I'm very grateful it was her on duty not one of the stickler gloom and doom merchants!
I give thanks this turn of events also resulted in a much more relaxing start to today not having to try to avoid or deal with difficult conversations...plus a fine reason for this little bit of political incorrectness courtesy of Mr Palmer not the Thompson Twins!
I give thanks for feeling good following my treatment. For getting my sewing machine out and using it a little bit. For lounging around a lot! For a nice chat with one of the neighbours when I went out to post something and an email from the council man to advise he's still on the case. For a long soak in the bath to warm myself up before Julie comes to pick me up. For having a little pile of things to unwrap tomorrow before I wrap up and go out to meet Rachel.
I've seen other folks' birthdays. I know it might not seem much by some people's standards, but I've seen a lot of mine and by those it is a lot! I give thanks I'm still alive, still not on dialysis and above all that I still love myself and try to treat myself the best I can.
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