Monday, 19 February 2018

I'm sticking with you

I give thanks for glimmers of sun today... and for the beginnings of a moon! I give thanks for discovering the wonders of Bondaweb!

Domestic chores seemed extra tiring today, so I give thanks for a nearly nap after lunch though unfortunately I had to go for an 'annual review' with a nurse at the medical practice so had to get up again sooner than I would have preferred. I politely expressed my scepticism at the point of this rather tedious and duplicatory activity, and she fessed up it was a recruitment drive for another vaccination...which I politely declined.

For a mild afternoon for accepting a cup of tea and a sweet treat on the seafront...and the cafe owners explaining the reason it had been so busy yesterday was that everywhere else had been blue-skied and bright and people had driven here thinking it would be too. For a hint of peach in the west as the clouds gathered again.

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