Thursday, 8 February 2018

Sweet talking guy

I give thanks my neighbour who likes to talk about dialysis (and always in the grimmest terms!) has a new dog so we can talk about that sometimes instead. I wonder if I'll keep wanting to bring it up as a conversational topic soon? I hope not, as it takes up so much of your time anyway it would seem to me to be waste of the remainder, but at least he'll be pleased if I do!

I give thanks after a slow start today I was able to get going and get on with things, as there's such a backlog of domestic tasks and chores and some of them, like cleaning the cooker, only get harder to do the longer you don't! I give thanks for getting out for some bits of shopping, prescription collecting and so on...and making a start on the oven. My right arm really appreciated its rest yesterday, and is becoming more willing and able but it's not up to scrubbing yet and my left side's not got the knack.

I give thanks for Alan Davies making me laugh so much on an old (but new to me) episode of QI I got a stitch! For Ben Fogle taking me to far flung places where people live amazing alternative lives. I give thanks for my kettle, having a hot water bottle to fill, and for putting my woolly hat back on when I got home, it's colder indoors than out here today I'm sure!

I give thanks for remembering the Chiffons...

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