Tuesday 4 February 2020


Another day, another hospital... and another route as transport is not provided for non-renal matters. Great thanks therefore for going coastal with a beautiful peaceful journey beside the sea and estuary this morning. Of course any day involving both hospital appointments and public transport is likely to involve a considerable amount of what feels like inconsiderate delay, so I was very grateful for an on time and unhassled start. For sunshine sparkling on water, bird footprints on the mudflats, fields of geese and fields of deer...

I give thanks for the friendly chattiness of the doctor. I'd not met this one before and approximately half the appointment consisted of her telling me about moving to the city some years ago and her views on it which, if she talked to everyone the same way, might explain why the schedule was so awry. I give thanks she thought I seemed OK but was waiting on the blood tests I have to have tomorrow to decide if treatment should proceed so we were both rather mystified as to why I was there at all. Oh well, I give thanks for five pots back free face mask from Lush and a nice hot lunch at Pret - which was ready to eat funnily enough! Also for a some nice customers more nimble than I giving up the ground floor table they'd bagged as I couldn't manage the stairs with my tray.

I give thanks for finding some nice biscuits in the cheap shop to keep me stocked up with calories when a points failure caused a lot of confusion and lengthy hanging around in a draughty station. I'm grateful for my train not being cancelled, moved to a different platform or having my stop missed out as happened to other travellers. For being home again while it's still bright and having a little relaxing me time.

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