Thursday 27 February 2020


Though I give thanks for managing to technically wake up before my alarm, actually functioning was another story. Ugh! Apart from the pain I felt so deeply chilled when I forced myself to move I had to make a hot water bottle to hug between the stages of getting dressed, I was grateful for this but so mystified it was necessary I took my temperature before my cup of tea and it read 35.9! Note to self: leave the heater on frost control over night.

I give thanks for the pleasing way colours and designs of random crockery in the sink awaiting co-ordinated as if artfully arranged. For managing to wake up each time I fell asleep on the bus, the moments of welcome warmth when  sunshine landed on me through the grimy windows, and the glorious bronze when it shone on the enduring leaves of a hedge. For the local cancer charity supplying tea in a pretty mug and a pre-packed but tasty slab of ginger cake for a mere £1.60!

For talking myself into a telephone triage deal for at least some of my future appointments by means of black humour steely resolve and reasonably pointing out I already have clinical assessment and empirical observations done several times a week.  For working up enough energy to walk myself round the more alternative shopping area near the station to pick up some gifts for upcoming birthdays before a soothing sea-nic train ride home. For the rather unusual shade of green on the water and an eager dog walking sideways in case a stick was thrown.

I give thanks for the gorgeous weather this afternoon...and for snoozing on my sofa through a chunk of it. I'd thought I might have to force myself to rest and leave the chores alone, but it's been no trouble at all doing nothing!

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