Friday 30 November 2012

Metaphorically speaking

Sometimes I write paragraphs on here and then delete them as inappropriate content. Sometimes life throws up things I take a while to see the opportunity in, and do a lot of expressing to myself in the meantime to get to the point of accepting, and accepting the gift.

Not getting what you wished for can be a gift, as can not being 'got'...or being forgot! I've had times in my life when I've had people to talk to, personal friends or trained professionals...but you come to realisations yourself when you are ready to, no matter what answers or advice you receive...and I'm grateful for pausing, considering and deleting from time to time...for all I learn along the way, in my own way... Gratitude too for the peace to enjoy an assimilation and assessment day, a duvet day of sorts. 

A paucity of social contact can be a blessed thing, I blunder so through the minefield of what should be said and left unsaid, what should be done or felt...and I give thanks for appreciating myself, which for various reasons not everyone does! I give thanks for a sliver of sunset last night and slice of sunrise today. For some cheering messages from friends and inspiring words and images on websites including and that you don't need to put http:// or www. any more! For the washing up done and some forgotten toffees remembered...

 The majority of the communications I receive are spam comments on here, automatically generated and generically worded in ways to approximate praise and perhaps a query or request (with various degrees of success). I'm suspect there may be a metaphor in that!

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