Wednesday 26 December 2012

Much of a muchness

Much thanks for more mild weather, sleeping with the window favourite! Much sleep required after the late night cat not napping above and the far too early rapping next door. As far as I could tell twelve hours of near silence this time...brilliant! This morning, through the peace and the gap in the window frame I could hear the shrieks and cheers from the Walk into the Sea which I could then picture, having seen it before, with no effort required. Much gratitude for this too as, although I enjoyed it muchly, the landslide trek yesterday did wear me out.

You want to see what we saw? Several busy workmen with diggers and other equipment, and a constant trickle not only of water down the bank but of of festive calorie busters coming to watch. So many in fact they had a little safety barrier up to stop them falling backwards off the sea wall while trying to frame their shots! I do hope they hurry and sort it out though so we can use the train line again...

I was grateful for tea and toast in bed early this afternoon and, when I finally did get up, a lovely lazy day. For peaceful jigsaw piecing, For stew stewing in the slow cooker and for Bob's smashing mash to go with it on the way...

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