Sunday 2 December 2012

Wrapped up

I give thanks for lots of rest today. I considered staying in bed as feeling so bleurgh but I wanted to try out some knitting stitches and that's easier up and dressed. Didn't do a lot more than that though and much appreciated the lack of physical activity though my brain's been going a bit, been having a grand old think!

I'm grateful for a wrapped up hot water bottle on my sorely kidney, a snuggly throw for my front and a simple diet...toast for breakfast, a carton of soup for tea and an Eccles cake in between so hardly any washing up either!  I give thanks for books and catch up TV, for my daydreams and my snoozes... Oh, and for all the work that's been done to get the railway lines round here usable again. Some people have moaned about the delays but that is very ungrateful!

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