Tuesday 18 December 2012

Personal best

I give thanks for a very pleasant evening in a curiously deserted city, pretty lights, tasty food and good company. My goodness, we all scrubbed up well...especially the boys! We had most of the restaurant to ourselves and were able to take a leisurely couple of hours over the meal before parting company. Much gratitude to Peter for driving me home where we stayed up until past one in the morning watching Red Dwarf Series 10 in typically age inappropriate fashion!

Today I've appreciated much leisure, reading some interesting things, watching some funny ones on TV and eating some tasty ones...including some unusual flavours of organic chocolate. I found these in Holland & Barratt on Sunday and hadn't tried them yet. I think this may be a personal best in abstinence for me!

Gratitude for fascinating the cloud formations and the unusual flat white appearance of the sea...looked like a bowl of cream, or a field of snow earlier. Yesterday it took on an opaque peachy tint in the late afternoon but today it turned icy blue before everything turned that rich blue of early night sky. The views from my windows never fail to entertain me, I still catch my breath and gasp at least once a week at some wonder or another and then burst out laughing at myself for being so easily amused. 

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