Saturday 2 November 2013


Yesterday I bought a granny skirt in a charity shop because I rather liked the paisley pattern fabric and there was a lot of it for £2.99. There wasn't enough to make the garment I had in mind but I was frankly grateful for that, as it did need something to stop it reminding me of a very busy shop here, popular with coach tours, where old ladies buy the kind of clothes that somehow only they want to wear. Whatever I may think of 'old lady' sartorial style, I seem to have been catapulted into the lifestyle like it or not and I was wondering when I might next have the opportunity to go to a fabric shop and find something to go with it, when I remembered some material I already had that might do. I give thanks for finding it and deciding it does! You may look at the photo and disagree, of course, so I'm grateful I don't care about that...
I'm grateful for managing my recovery from yesterday's trip so that household chores have been caught up with a little...along with copious periods of rest. Most bits of me hurt and mostly all I want to do is sleep, but this has become the new normal over the last eighteen months or so and all I can do is be grateful that this condition now has a name other than me being a wimp. Although I'm not a great fan of labelling things, in this case it helps to understand why I can't vacuum and knit on the same day, for example, or go outdoors and also cook a proper meal. I give thanks for a long chat with my lovely GP about this, and many other things besides and she told me she recommends Tai Chi to sufferers, though she said one patient said she couldn't do it because she was a Christian! Two NHS medical professionals recommending Tai Chi in as many weeks? It's clearly the latest thing despite being centuries old.
I give thanks for the pretty tinted clouds at dawn and for the Tesco delivery man going straight through into the kitchen with my order, without being directed or asked, and helping me unpack - beyond the call of duty and a great help to me too! Also that when all was sorted after that...and the sofa was begging 'don't leave me!' I turned on the TV and a Columbo I'd not seen was starting (one with Billy Connelly in it?) audible over the howling wind that's louder at times than that fearsome storm they were forecasting last week. I seem to have slipped into an alternative universe...and I give great thanks for that!

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