Thursday 7 November 2013

The road is long

Another day, appointment! This one was somewhere I've not been for a while so I gave thanks for a top front seat on the bus and different scenic views and sights to see like a golf course full of geese and a garden fence covered in crocs (the shoes not the reptiles...and no, I don't know why!)

It's been a day of delays and dealing with things (including this entire post disappearing during the 'publish' stage!) so I give thanks for the practice in patience and equanimity. Thanks too for the lesson in humility when I took my mini stocking collection to the cancer centre and found they already had a range of handmade Christmas bits and bobs to sell, more stylishly constructed and displayed than mine which they kindly said they would 'save until the others have all gone'. I felt small enough to fit in one and grateful that I had the money to donate from those already sold so I didn't feel completely pointless. I give thanks for my delusions of silk purseness sometimes because it's comforting to feel we have something to offer in life, but it's useful to be reminded of the sow's ear reality now and then...

I always forget how much nippier it can be a short way north and inland from here so I was grateful for my coat and boots and hat and scarf today...wish I'd remembered my vest though! Through many years of research I've come to the conclusion British winters are more easily borne with central heating, cars (plus the fuel for these of course) and warm souls to share the cave with. I give thanks that all my friends have at least two out of the three but if you know anyone who doesn't, who might find the world a chilly place this time of year, I recommend a vest...and a lot of chocolate!

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