Thursday 31 July 2014

Going going

I'm grateful for eventually getting out of the house this morning. There were several attempts that failed for various reasons, including the one where I called a cab and they were too busy, so when I left late and hurrying and saw one pull up a few doors down to drop someone off I was very grateful that he was free and happy for a fare back down.

I was grateful that thus I got to acupuncture on time as Rachel is giving up her clinic in town here and it's the last treatment I'll have under these beautiful ceiling mouldings. I give thanks for all the wondrous things she's done for me over the years, including simply listening and making me the occasional cup of tea - what a treat that's been!

I'm grateful for walking up the hill, a little revived after today's session and finding a couple of rather readable looking paperbacks in the tubs outside the coastwatch tower for only 50p a piece... and for getting home just in time for a little light gymnastic watching on TV...

I'm grateful I imagined going out again this evening to watch the carnival procession...I can hear the bands and lorry horns but there's not a chance I could float down and see the floats. I give thanks in anticipation for someone filming it putting it on youtube later, along with the fireworks maybe, as I reckon I've just enough awakeness left to assemble and assimilate some tea and then I'll be fast asleep...

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