Wednesday 16 July 2014

Breeze blocks

I'm grateful I've stopped slaving over a hot laptop, whether it turns out to be for a tea break or, as I suspect it might, drifts into an early night... I'm doing well, I'm nearly there, but I reached the point when I could do no more...

I'm grateful I'm beginning to remember bits of the day when I wasn't staring at the screen - little slivers of time when I wasn't 'do it yourself soliciting' (as I called it earlier but which doesn't seem quite the right expression somehow) and grabbed a bite to eat or got on with household chores... Oh yes, and I'm grateful I've ordered my new TV!

I'm grateful for doing some seated tai chi to stretch out my cramped muscles and mind a little...

I'm grateful glipsing the evening race of white sails scudding across the bay in the fresh breeze

And I'm grateful for spotting this fine collection of images, some of which I don't remember seeing before

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