Monday 14 December 2015

And other drugs

I'm grateful to my alarm for waking me up to rise at the necessary hour to prepare and get to the hospital in time for a scan on a wet and weary day. Someone asked me recently if I minded going to medical appointments on my own and I guess it's like much like much else for me - I'd rather that than with the wrong person.

I'm grateful I understand there are no wrong people just unappreciative attitudes and that my attitude is often wrong...but if you've seen the film the post title has come from you might have grasped a sick girl's needs may not always be the ones you think they are! I'm grateful I have no one who needs to enable me and can still grit my teeth and get on with it...and that I love myself way too much to resort to volunteer transport.

I'm grateful for the Alabama 3 matching my mood so well

I'm grateful I know what to dress in so I don't have to take it off...

I'm grateful for a delicious pot of Earl Grey tea and carrot cake to break my fast before the return journey. I'm grateful for not quite falling asleep on the way and that someone on the bus knew where we were as it was raining so heavily I couldn't tell it was my stop until we stopped at it!

I give thanks that though I lost my credit card no one else has found it...

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