Thursday 3 December 2015

Night sky thinking

Being a good little renal patient dietwise can result in a dearth of delights in the treats cupboard, so I give thanks for the most delicious rice pudding I've ever made - with rice milk and oat cream instead of dairy, plus a little soft brown sugar. Not theobroma cacao maybe but ambrosia all the same!

I give thanks that when all the wrinkles and rankles in my brain just wouldn't let me sleep last night I decided to get up again for a while and mixed a colour I had in mind for a night sky in a painting.. I give thanks for Bill Paterson's malt Scotch accent reading Neil Gaiman's 'dark tale inspired by Hebridean myth' at second bedtime. Once upon a time there was a wee red headed girl on a Hebridean island loving the weather and wanting to write...and I've not really changed much at all...

I give thanks for remembering myself a bit older, eleven perhaps, having a poem published in the Observer about what war costs in terms of damaged lives...and the world has not changed any either...

I give thanks for blowing a few cobwebs out of my head today and watching them land on the sand, to Colin for teaching me which wind direction is most likely to do this the best, and for there being no one around but a handful of surfers and other hardy happy ozone junkies beaming at each other in the collective effervescence.

I give thanks to Linda for inviting Jenny and I for a snack and a catch up, and making me a doggy bag to bring home just as I was just saying if you really want to be creative you really need a wife...

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