Sunday 27 December 2015


I give thanks for lying back in the bath with a special pillow for my made the outside comfortable when the inside was uncomfortably listening to sounds of neighbourly discord and distress. I'm grateful only words were thrown and doors slammed this time...

I give thanks for some good bits in my dreams, and for managing to get my lethargy and disillusionment out of bed eventually to get on with the reality of the day. I give thanks for some bits that were slightly more nourishing to the body than munching junk food snacks, and slightly more productive than reading books and watching TV. I give thanks for even a few random bursts of stray belief...and to Terry Pratchett for the phrase.

I give thanks that folk seem to be in a better humour today for their sake; and for mine that there have been gaps in the radio listening that they prefer and which unfortunately I find most wearing - the kind with a thumping bass play list and booming speech between - also that only one household at once has been indulging their passion so it's been possible to avoid having to overhear to some extent.

It came into in my head to say I was grateful my drugs of choice are for the most part situations or activities that produce chemicals inside my brain rather than substances with scientific formulae...but when I stopped to consider the thought, I realise I'm not quite sure why. You still crave when you cannot have, and it still doesn't make you feel better - just forget for a while about feeling bad.

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