Friday 18 December 2015


It's always rather strange writing my blog at this time of year as people have more interesting things to do than read it and page views predictably plummet. So my first gratitude has to be that people have more interesting things to do! I give thanks for folk who have somewhere they belong and folk who long to be with them...

I give thanks for everyone who feels festive, cherished, celebratory, anticipatory...for all those who don't but find a way to get through the long wintriness of being on the outside of all that...and particularly the ones in the first group who try to improve the lot of the second.

I give thanks to those who take time out of their preparation and participation to spend a little time with me virtually or even in real time, like Jenny and Laura who both had busy birthday weekends but managed to fit in cuppas with me today to receive their presents! Special thanks to Jenny for needing shopping and driving me to and from shops to get some of my own in the process this morning, and to Laura who'd been cooped up with a horrid virus and needed to get out in the countryside so took me and my flask of tea along to tramp in the wet leaves at White Well and sit looking at this murky view.


  1. Oooooh I have set my laptop up so I can comment miracles will never cease!! I have wine so I feel Christmassy without doing Christmas ;) xx


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