Thursday 31 December 2015

Predictably irrational

I give thanks for waking up in a slightly better humour than that in which I spent a lot of the night. For good bread toasted for my breakfast. For three fruit marmalade and crunchy peanut butter. No, I'm not supposed to have peanut butter but it's good bread so it only comes in little slices...

For a sunny morning with no inclination to battle the pain and lack of inclination to go out but having to, so making the best of it anyway. For a line of white washing flapping in the breeze. For room to squeeze my recycling in the the car park skips...

For the mesmerising waves at high tide today, and realising I knew the people next to me also gazing at them in awe. For the jet skiers jumping over the sandbar. For accepting the irrationality of finding them infuriating noisy show offs in summer, but in winter entertaining and cool. For accepting that the desire to experience a jet ski ride had better be added to my list that rhymes with 'bucket'...

For getting wet and cold when the weather changed and warm and dry at home. For the sky clearing to pretty clouds at sundown...

For an interesting book about some of the strange things that influence our decision making...selected after failing to get a response from someone as to whether the different one they were reading on a similar topic was any good, and thus an example (maybe). For finishing this poem...apart from punctuation (maybe)

Trust me

The one you see it is not me
The real one stayed behind
Inside a place I'd rather be
A time that seemed more kind

My puppet self can well portray
The character you're casting
You paint the scenes with words I say
The set and stage outlasting

The changing games of pantomime
My substitute can lose
The motley match and easy rhyme
That other fool can choose

The costume and the glib conceit
My wary wounds conceal
From other trusts that were deceit
From hurts that do not heal

If you could lay your mask aside
Your prompted script and cue
Then risking ridicule and pride
In truth I'd mirror you

My heart is hidden otherwise
My self held safe and tight
Reflections flicker in my eyes
But you'll not see their light

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