Saturday 5 December 2015

Missed a motivator

I give thanks for sleeping well until I woke up...and then giving up on trying to but getting tea and a warm buttered scone and watching the beautiful dawn instead...

I give thanks for the wild wind and the white topped waves, and the strange lilac light at sundown...

I give thanks for trying to find a radio station to drown out the one coming from upstairs, which at least made me laugh out loud as they were all broadcasting laughable music, or adverts or the pesky old news at the time. I give thanks for my horoscope making me chuckle as well...apparently I should have had mountains of motivation today. Actually I'm grateful I didn't... it can be a miserable old thing when you have motivation but not enough womanpower to get anything done...

I give thanks for the bliss of a saved episode of Fargo with my headphones on instead. The storyline keeps you on your toes, the characters captivate and the multi-faceted script and soundtrack is a joy, but some of the filming eclipses it all - the snowy bare wood from overhead and the Undertaker's infinity reflections in the lift mirror made me exclaim out loud with delight...

I give thanks for Bob, Jared and Gary all expressing an interest in getting together soon. I'm grateful to have met some fine women in recent years but I'm always going to be a girl who needs to hang out with boys sometimes and it's rare now I get a chance to do so.

I give thanks for earplugs and a blanket and a nap about to release me from all that wears me down...

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