Thursday 10 December 2015

Our hearts have wings

I give thanks someone asked me recently what motivates me, what I get out of bed for in the morning... Good question for anyone to ponder I guess, but particularly for anyone whose purpose on the planet seems so questionable. 'I get up to look after myself so that I keep getting up' is the simple answer, summing up a life senselessly spiralling into control when all that gives my heart wings requires freedom of movement on some scale or other...

But beyond all that, behind all we say and do that seems to be something else, all that matters is what maitre d' Fred's French accent renders so rich with multiplicities of meaning - 'to love and be loved'. And I give thanks for all that reminds me that's actually all that's what and why...

My phone hides texts I was grateful to find one several hours missing last night with an offer from Rachel to bring home made soup for my freezer on Monday evening, as it's our 'works Christmas do' (for two) and there won't be time to exchange gifts, give/receive acupuncture, savour three courses, gossip and philosophise and have any chance at all of going to choir!

I give thanks for working out how to select a track on my CD player after many years to forget the process pre acquisition of wireless headphones... For coming across a long forgotten many years old piece of bead embroidery whilst listening to an even older Bryan Ferry cover version. Ah, these foolish things...

I give thanks for the virtual realities within our own minds we can visit when we're dreaming...and of course when we're daydreaming too. I seem to move house a lot in my night dreams lately... What do I do my daydreams? Oh, that's classified and need to know though I'm sure there are some that may surmise...

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