Saturday 5 November 2016


I give thanks for being too sore tonight to care about not going to any bonfires or firework displays. I give thanks I'm not bothered even getting up to look out of the window seems too much of a chore! But I give thanks for getting on with a few chores in the day that clearly needed the use of muscle groups that have been lounging about for a while... And for smiling over Nick the cab driver's ideas for making a fake November 5th at home including buckets of ice water for my feet.

My appreciation and enthusiasm levels for most things are pretty low just now, but I give thanks I happily admit I'm wrong and QI is not unwatchable without Steven Fry. I give thanks for being able to laugh out loud without hugging my tummy.

I give thanks for an interesting dream about a hermit's 'open day' where they set up imitation caves and grottos in a shopping centre, offering sausage rolls and squash and answers to questions about the role.

I give thanks for watching the changing sky, the whispers of waves on the sea, and the late afternoon sunshine on the leaves. I give thanks I wrote this title and thought of ginger beer...could be a good sign or a bad one but the thought of the taste was nice.

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