Wednesday 30 November 2016

Peace of my mind

I give thanks it was so quiet here last night I forgot to put my earplugs in...and forgot I hadn't so that when I woke in the night and heard the heater on frost control click on I was surprised how noisy it was.

I give thanks for porridge made with rice milk and dried cranberries, fairly kidney friendly and warming and filling on a cold day.

I give thanks for a morning busy with this and that, aware and appreciative of greater mobility and lower pain levels...but also aware and appreciative of the need to be gentle with back and my left hand side.

I give thanks some work is being done to the communal door here so that both the pharmacy and grocery deliveries could be brought straight up to my flat door. There's several causes for gratitude in that sentence!

I give thanks for noticing an unusual feeling of peaceful contentment ...suddenly realising it was still quiet upstairs (these two are inextricably linked) and perhaps a postprandial loll with some craftwork the sofa might be in order...maybe watch something on TV without the volume higher than I like it or heavy headphones on. Obviously I rarely watch anything live, especially on a weekday afternoon out of Wimbledon season, but I scrolled through the channels anyway, recognising a programme along the way but not the episode which as (as far as I knew) I'd seen every one in existence was a bit of a puzzle. It's set in a fictionalised south west county I'll call Heaven, with filming that does its beauty justice and lots of glimpses of familiar places (plus ones that make you go 'Ooh, I want to go there!' ...but as well as the lushly visible scenery there's remarkably little visible acting if you know what I mean, and some chuckles along the way. So finding a whole new series had started just added to the feelgood factor of the day...

I give thanks for reading in my horoscope that tomorrow will be good for being valued for true worth, money and business, adventure, romance, boldly asserting needs and losing inhibitions! If I get an unrealistically good one I usually say some other better positioned Aquarian can have it...this time I reckon I'll compromise and share ;-) Asserting already, see!

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