Sunday 6 November 2016

Something and nothing

I give thanks for a mostly successful day of the dead slow... Not stop, you understand but stopping in between each something for some nothing -  sit down or even a lie down between each little bout of activity. It's boring, but less so than getting myself so sore by carrying on.

I also give thanks for someone so relatively aged and infirm I'm still pretty bendy and supple, but I must try to remember, for a little longer at least, that just because I can get into a particular position doesn't mean it's a good idea to do so. If I twist I may shout!

I give thanks for sleeping better last night. I give thanks for not being cold... but that I'm planning ahead and in incremental stages of wrestling have changed to autumn time on the goose down clock.

Um... What else? I give thanks I missed a call earlier asking if I'd like to go out somewhere, because I would have had to wrestle with refusing a treat and accepting a needed restful day...rumour has it I'm in for a treat tomorrow anyhow so by not doing something today there'll be nothing to stop me tomorrow (allegedly).

I give thanks I'm getting comfier in the bath... though I still need lots of practice, and a new heater soon for sure!

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