Thursday 3 November 2016

Dish of the day

I give thanks for the pretty colours in the sky after sundown yesterday evening...for the clear and starry night. For more sleep...still in dribs and drabs, but I feel a lot less drab for more of it, and more of it is indicative of the fact the pain is considerably less troublesome than it has been.

I give thanks for sticking to plan A for a restful recuperative day, resisting the temptation to tempt someone to take me out just yet when we both know it would be far more enjoyable when I'm a little bit less of a wimp. In the meantime I give thanks for being on a promise...for soup! Makes me feel warm inside already...

There's a lot not to be grateful about living this high up when moving around is still a problem...but a zoom on my camera, a well positioned sofa and reasonably recently cleaned windows means I can take a picture like this without having to get up from my comfy cosy seat, and I do give thanks for that!

I give thanks for some very tasty leftovers pasta for a late lunch today with roasted peppers, leeks, goat's cheese and pesto plus half my body weight in garlic...which probably should make us all very grateful I spent the day alone.

I give thanks for ordering the wool for Bob's new jumper. Last time I made him one, a couple of years ago, my knitting group chums were astonished I had an adult son who would willingly wear my knitwear. But then neither my son nor my knitwear are quite like anyone else's, and I give thanks for that as well!

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