Thursday 10 November 2016

Night moves

I give thanks for QIXL making me helpless with laughter... and later, when one man and his dog in the room above my head didn't want to sleep when I did, and I felt like weeping, for remembering the earlier mood. The sofa's made up as a bed, but I didn't feel up to moving to see if the people in the room above that were quiet, and even if they were it's covered in stuff I didn't feel up to moving so I'm grateful I came up with the idea of listening to some soothing music. I give thanks there were headphones and a tablet to hand and that eventually I found a position where the broken charger lead would stay in and could drift off to the ten hour version of Weightless. I give thanks I woke up in pain an hour later though as the tablet was getting very hot under the covers!

I give thanks for creeping around making myself a cup of tea (do as you would be done by!), trying to work out ways I can get better quicker, and start the process of at least trying to move out of here. Other folk who've had sciatica have recommended improbable, impractical things like swimming, going to the gym...or, given my limitations, even seeing a physio, and I've seen exercises on line that my tummy would rather I didn't do just yet. But I thought about Monday, when for a while I was moving almost normally nimbly...and wondered what was different apart from the more pleasurable purposes for moving, and remembered in the not so small hours of its morning, when sleep had been 
so hard to sink into, finding a position that seemed to help...and maybe carried on helping. And I tried it again, and I think maybe it does...

I give thanks for getting a few bits of this and sorted, for watching the more sea appear as more leaves fall from the trees and for being reminded of this tune that always makes me smile - and no, it's not the Happy Mondays or Bob Seger! 

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