Saturday 10 December 2016

Soothe with the smooth

I give thanks for a bath with hot water to soothe the aching places, and sides to rest my lower limbs against - on my back with my legs in the air is one of the comfiest positions I can be in right now, so any opportunity to adopt it is welcome!

I give thanks I was only part way through a fight to get my quilt cover on before I realised it was the one I'd just taken off! For a new sheet so smooth it's almost like being caressed...and that I fell asleep within moments of lying on it.

I give thanks for waking rested and ready to squander my refreshing relative mobility doing some useful stuff in town, including a tortuously slow trip to the post office.  I give thanks for coveting the boots a women in the next switchback of the queue was wearing before realising I'd bought the same ones not long ago but hadn't been able to wear them (yet)! I give thanks for receiving in time a return address from one of those eBay traders you occasionally come across who seem to have no concept of what the process is actually about (No, I don't have the thing you thought you bought. Maybe it's lost or I made a mistake...)... And for the coincidental name of the close she lives on making me smile (Pass French town name (8))

I give thanks for receiving some lace to add to the hem of the 99p too short dress I bought last year in case I went anywhere a bit dressy uppy over the winter months. I didn't, so I give thanks if I get this incredibly well matching trim on the bottom I will be prepared anew, and it won't be so dressy uppy as to upset anyone with the sight of mine!

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