Friday 3 February 2017

The rough and the smooth

I give thanks my memory had drawn a kindly veil over quite how excruciating this sciatica can be. For getting through the night when it reminded me.

I give thanks for getting some snatches of sleep as well. For waking and discovering distressing dreams weren't real.

I give thanks for reminding myself the real things that distress me are of no concern to anyone else, certainly no one who reads a gratitude blog.

I give thanks I needed to go out today despite the pain and rain. It was good to have something I could achieve no matter how uncomfortable, and actually neither were quite as bad as I'd feared. I give thanks for a glimpse of churning waves from the cab as it drove along the seafront, for the wind whipping my hood off and empty shopping bag sideways. For another cab on the rank when I'd collected good bread and tea bags and a number of packages - the number being one too many than I could easily carry. And for the driver coming round to help me as I couldn't manoeuvre them and me inside the door.

I give thanks for a long lie down before throwing together some rather tasty pasta, and then another one watching one of those made for TV on a wet afternoon when you need to rest movies. For being so incensed by the incompetence of 'delivery' drivers, I turned a frenzy of knife wielding into a pot of dhal simmering for my supper...

I give thanks for the chameleon colours this evening as first the sea was an astonishingly smooth blue in a gap in cloud and wind, and then beige from the swirling mud and sand within and then a brief bright lilac when sunset did its thing.

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