Thursday 22 June 2017

A bit rocky

I give thanks my little dip took me out of myself... but it also took it out of me so I'm giving thanks I'd had a proper lunch yesterday as making tea was a task too far.  For one more scone for my supper instead. This girl can...but she pays a heavy price! You know what I think? I think I should have a lot more good bits in my life to build up my resilience...

Meanwhile, back in the real world, I give thanks for managing to stop fretting over the bad bits for bits of the night and get some stretches of sleep. For moving very slowly through the things I had to do and the things I felt I ought to do today, trying to be a good little human and behave in the way folk would prefer of me. For understanding even the best of us tend to fail at that as no matter how well we think we're putting ourselves in other people's shoes we can still only think with our own two feet...or other body parts!

I give thanks for this School of Life video about retelling our stories of our pasts

I give thanks for all the times when I've thought better times were on the way. Maybe I was mistaken, maybe I was misled...but to have a bit of faith in the future can be a wonderful thing for a while, even when it's misplaced. Following a phone call a few minutes ago I'm teetering on believing something I give thanks I know to enjoy it while I can while not getting too attached to the feeling. I give thanks I know that knowing what you need to do and actually succeeding are two very different things!

What a difference a couple of weeks makes eh? This time a fortnight ago it was all rockpools and optimism...Oh well...

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