Monday 12 June 2017

Better late than

You might think because I don't go out to work I don't get that Monday morning feeling. Well, I do, because I have to get back to work at waiting for people who are to do their jobs. I give thanks for failing to list the people/organisations who are failing to do this as far as I'm concerned at the moment because it is a gratitude blog after all. I give thanks for remembering all the times my eyes have crossed in boredom listening to other people rant about protracted power struggle or performance problems...and vowing not to do it in face to face life either! I give thanks for my patience...and remembering other people have their own difficulties to deal with...even the ones we wish would deal with ours!

I give thanks to Jenny for giving me a lift to the library and catching up with some of the ladies there, including Sue who gave me the remains of a gorgeously coloured ball of wool she never wanted to see again as she'd found it so hard to knit with. It doesn't look that hard to me but Sue came to knitting late in life so it's probably like me and driving. Can be done but not without tearing of hair, gnashing of teeth and palpitations...which are, of course, much safer in an easy chair than on a busy road.

I give thanks for seeing a couple of flats on line worth a look and booking appointments to look...

For trying one more pleasantly upbeat enquiry to a certain telephone company that has a very poorly publicised reduced price service for those on reduced means...and seem (from my extensive experience of trying) to make it as tricky as possible to get it on one's line. I give thanks for thinking at the time of writing that this will all be sorted in a couple of days (more)

I give thanks for Nadal commenting on winning the French Open a dozen years after the first time 'I thought I'd have been on my fishing boat by now'. For thinking of myself in 2005 and how differently I imagined my future might pan out. Regrets? Well, yeah a few...I've been grandly slammed by life in the interim but consider myself a champion several times over in spite of...or probably more likely because of. Heck, I can even end a sentence with a preposition and feel no guilt at all!


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